Fantasy Creator is our first product! We are hoping to launch in September 2019. Our Kickstarter will be running through February 2019 which will hopefully provide the funds to get us to the end.

The Kickstarter DRAFT Link:

The Fantasy Creator app will allow you to bring your role-playing characters to life.

  • Create your character with our character creator app.

  • Customize your character with various armour and weapon sets.

  • Set your character class and pick your spells from our list.

  • Quickly build characters using our randomise function.

  • Characters are all fully animated.

  • Characters can be viewed in 3D and on certain phones in AR on the table before you.

  • Build an unlimited amount of NPC characters for your session.

  • Build and export characters in STL format to be 3D printed.

  • Build and export characters in OBJ and FBX format for your own indie game.
